Please note, the autoplay mode and the page 5 settings were released with a firmware update in 12/2017. If you have a flowlight-FS that has not been updated, please contact us.

The autoplay function is a new mode at the end of each page that displays all the modes in that page in sequence. It's a great way to keep things visually interesting, without having to worry about any button presses. Please note, the autoplay function is only for pages 1-4.

Adjust: Interval/timing between modes. There are 5 levels indicated by corresponding number of blinks in adjust:  0.25, 1, 5, 15 and 30 seconds.

Default: Level 3 (5 sec intervals)

Can be saved to page 4/favorites, with timing adjustment! Favorites autoplay will display saved autoplay modes, but only for the set interval. Favorites autoplay cannot be saved to favorites.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us!