These instructions apply to both capsule 2.0 and vision core lights.
There are a few ways to press the button, and so many things it can do!
Button Press/ Function | Description |
Page-Click /Navigate pages | ~0.3 seconds or less. A quick click, like when you double-click a computer mouse or touchpad. Multiple clicks will access different pages. → 2 clicks for page two, 3 clicks for page three, and so on.
Tip: If you’re having trouble with high click numbers, you might be trying to click too fast! Pro-tips:
Press /Turn on, change mode, & select adjustment | ~0.3-0.75 seconds. The classic button-press - this is what feels “normal” to most people.
Long-press /Adjust mode & Check battery level | ~0.75-1.5 seconds. Hold until you see the appropriate indicator, then let go before the next indicator:
Hold to off /Turn off | ~1.5-4 seconds. From ON → Hold past adjust, the light will fade to off, let go.
Long-hold /Solo on, solo off | ~4 seconds. Hold until you see the appropriate indicator, then let go before the next indicator:
Hold to save /Save mode or setting | ~7 seconds. From ON → Hold past adjust, off, solo-off, until light is on again. let go.
Pro tip: if your mode is in adjust, it will save in adjust, and start at the same color/adjustment it was in when you saved it. also you can save page autoplays to favorites, including adjusted intervals! |
Quick-group /Connect multiple lights wirelessly in a group | ~10 seconds. From OFF → hold past charge indicator, past solo-on, until light turns white. Let go.
Tip: If you were previously in a white mode, it may appear like you’ve reached quick-group early, change to a colored mode for a better indicator. |
Hold to delete /Delete mode or setting | ~15 seconds. From ON → Hold past adjust, off, solo-off, on/save until light flashes red 5 times. let go.
Pro tip: The default bold-red favorite mode makes a great landmark for the end of the page/when you’ve reached autoplay. Don’t delete it, if you don’t need to! |
Notes on button presses:
- If you turned the light off in a specific mode/adjustment, you will return to that mode/adjustment when you turn on.
- Timings are ~ approximate and for reference only, look for the indicators instead of trying to count seconds.
- “Hold to save" and “hold to delete” functions are fairly long to prevent accidental saves or deletes. The current “hold to save” delay feels like the minimum appropriate cushion, maybe we could shorten it by 5-10%, but it would still feel similarly long, and much more likely to hit accidentally.
- End of page behavior in a group:
- When one light gets to the end of a page and turns off, the other lights remain on - they do not turn off. This prevents accidentally turning off all the lights, e.g. if your friend is pushing buttons to control your flowtoys while they watch you play.
- When you turn the light back on, it will go to p1m1, and the others in the group will join it.
To make all lights turn off together, hold to off.