Check out video below to see how to use this mode to:

  1. Reset everything back to default/ factory settings
  2. Connect your flowOS props to the firmware updater 

P5 Mode 10 :: Reset To Defaults or Connect to Firmware Updater

2 Purposes

  1. Resets ALL settings AND erases all shows and favorites, AND turns off, as a group.
  2. Connect to firmware updater.

Indicator/ Default

Bright red


No adjust

“Hold to delete” to reset all settings and favorites to factory default.

--> when you are in Page 5 Mode 10, and press the button while the light is ON, the capsule light should go through a series of indicators and after about 15 seconds, it should flash 5x. After you see the 5x flashes, let go. This should reset everything back to factory default.

“Hold to save” to connect to firmware updater.


  • Cannot be undone!
  • Connect to updater is useful for capsules, especially a large group connected to a USB hub, because they often do not connect automatically and opening them to reset to connect is more work