If your flowtoys toroflux is not working properly, we can definitely help out!
Wobbly or deformed toroflux: The toroflux is made of a single strand of thin metal and if it's bent, or if one or more of the coils is pulled hard, it can deform and will not handle as designed. It can still make a cool decoration :)
While we cannot replace torofluxes that have been misused or deformed for free, we can replace it for half-price + shipping ($7.50 + $5 = $12.50).
Broken weld: Covered under our lifetime warranty.
Replacement instructions: As there several toroflux counterfeits, we will need to confirm if yours is a genuine toroflux. Please email warranty@flowtoys.com with the info below to confirm:
1. Tell us where you got your toroflux - did you get it directly from flowtoys, or from a reseller? What is your order number?
2. Send us 4 pictures:
- of the broken toroflux
- of the weld, where it should say “flowtoys” next to it
- of the front of the black carrying bag
- of the back of the black carrying bag
If you have any questions, please let us know and we will do our best to help out!