Unlike the capsule light, which has a small circuit board, vision cores are much longer and the frequent flexing of the circuit board causes wear and tear on copper traces, LEDs and components. 

The skinny:

  • Within 2 years:
    • If your vision prop is not physically damaged through unintended use (e.g. fire, water, run over by car), replacements are free. Shipping not included.
    • If your vision prop is physically damaged, replacements are half price on the part.
  • Lifetime:
    • If it's a battery issue, there's a $42 battery replacement fee.
    • All other issues are half price replacement on the relevant part.

Here's the breakdown:

Vision club hardware, e.g. club body, handle, knob, ring:

  • free replacement if not working right within first 2 years, half price on the part after 2 years.
  • or you can get parts for $5-15/part, and replace it yourself.
  • shipping not included.

Vision prop hardware e.g. poi/dart/chuck/staff tubes, end caps, cord/tube adaptors, etc:

  • free replacement if damaged from normal, intended use (shipping not included)
  • half-price replacement for parts that are physically damaged (e.g. fire, water, run over by car)
  • shipping not included.

Electronic issues: LEDs, accelerometer etc.

  • free replacement or repair if not working right within first 2 years.
  • 1/2 price replacement or repair after 2 years or if there's physical damage, e.g. water damage, dog chewed, run over by a car etc.
  • shipping not included.

Battery issues:

  • Battery lifespan: Like your cellphone and laptop batteries, LED prop batteries have a lifespan of approx. 300-500 charge cycles, or about 2 years of natural breakdown (even if not charged frequently) before significant capacity loss. 
  • If a battery fails or loses significant capacity:
    • Within 2 years of purchase, we will replace it for free as long as the light core is undamaged. 
    • After 2 years, we offer a $42 battery replacement service.
    • Shipping not included.

If you have any warranty issues, please email us at support@flowtoys.com - we'll help get your props back in action.