Known bugs as of October 2022:

  1. Mode images/visualizations in app do not always match prop modes/adjusts
  2. Share shows not enabled yet
  3. Share individual modes not enabled yet
  4. Only way to load songs is through Youtube (for now)
  5. "Adjust on" and randomize do not save to prop's page 4
  6. Randomize button gets stuck on
  7. Adjust on = randomize (after randomize has been triggered once)
  8. If multiple bridges are present: can only see 1st bridge detected, even after turning it off
  9. Naming groups, lists, etc. can not use special characters eg. " ' : ! ...
  10. Groups show as connected even when they aren't
  11. Does not work on older devices/operating systems that are no longer supported by their developers (Apple, Android)
  12. Group on/group off inconsistent. May require multiple presses to function (Note: default standby setting turns radio off after 8 hours. Prop button press required to reactivate)
  13. Prop button press stops working when device is locked
  14. Prop button press controls app even when that group is not selected/active
  15. Controls/globals don't work until after first mode-change
  16. Favorites: now playing: "save changes" does not work. Controls: "save to props's favorites" DOES work for the same purpose
  17. Audio link feature is experimental and not currently working - we will announce it when it is.

This list will shrink as we continue to make improvements ;) If you come across any bugs that aren’t listed above, please let us know through the “app feedback” in the app menu.