Known bugs as of Dec 2024 (V 1.4.2):

  1. mode images/visualizations in app do not always match prop modes/adjusts
  2. "adjust on" and "randomize" do not save to prop's page 4
  3. randomize button gets stuck on (switch modes to reset)
  4. adjust on = randomize (after randomize has been triggered once)
  5. group on doesn't work after some time: not a bug: default standby setting turns radio slow after 1 minute and off after 8 hours. prop button press required to reactivate after 8 hours (or adjusted setting).
  6. prop button press controls app even when that group is not selected/active.
  7. prop/group does not respond until after fist mode-change: currently unavoidable. prop needs trigger to broadcast ID
  8. Show creation: can not select modes from lists. To get around this, got to you list, select modes, “create show"
  9. shows: audio files do not transfer to other instances of the app, as they are not stored in the cloud due to storage limitations, but shows do.  Audio file can be replaced in show editor.
  10. show editor: edit mode: parameter: "link audio": doesn't work at all
  11. show editor, edit mode, edit parameter: parameter does not work if also adjust 1 or 2. use "adjust" parameters first/whenever possible
  12. Show editor, edit mode, edit parameter: density and speed parameters don't work
  13. connect, bridge list: does not show when bridges are turned off/no longer present until after trying to connect.

This list will shrink as we continue to make improvements ;) If you come across any bugs that aren’t listed above, please let us know through the “app feedback” in the app menu.