Welcome to your new pop'n flow full vision prop! Please refer to the specific instructional video below depending on which prop/hub you're using:
- fans
- travel staff
- dragon staff
- poi
- chucks
- rope dart
- leviwand
- batons
- triads
If you have any questions or need any help, feel free to contact us.
Presenting the pop'n flow modular system
- Overview of the pop'n flow system and prop possibilities
- LED spoke and hub assembly/disassembly
- Differences between end cap options
- Benefits of having modular props
How to :: pop'n flow full vision LED fans
- Spoke and hub assembly/disassembly instructions
- LED spoke alignment tips
- End cap options
- Accessing the charging port
How to :: pop'n flow travel staffs
- intro to modularity
- assembly
- disassembly
- turn on/off your staff, basic navigation
- quick-grouping your lights
- charging your lights - capsule
- charging your lights - vision
- flowtoys forever flow lifetime warranty
How to :: pop'n flow full vision LED dragon staff
- Spoke and hub assembly/disassembly instructions
- Tips for installing the hubs onto a shaft
- Durability info and tips for preventing damage
- End cap options
- Spoke alignment tips
How to :: pop'n flow full vision LED poi
- Different leash options
- Spoke and hub assembly/disassembly instructions
- End cap options and differences
- Option to add weight using flowmass
- Using pod shells and sleeves as end caps
How to :: pop'n flow full vision LED chucks
- End cap options and differences
- Spoke and hub assembly/disassembly instructions
- Testing the spoke fit
- Adjusting and sizing the leashes
- Disconnecting/connecting the chuck ends
How to :: pop'n flow full vision LED rope dart
- Spoke and hub assembly/disassembly instructions
- Customizing the dart head weight
- Accessing the charging port
- Removing/installing the pod shell and sleeve
- Leash and flag assembly
How to :: pop'n flow full vision LED leviwand
- Spoke and hub assembly/disassembly instructions
- String and knob management tips
- Adjusting spoke placement to change overall length
- Spoke alignment tips
- End cap options and differences
- Accessing the charging port
How to :: pop'n flow full vision LED batons
- Spoke and hub assembly/disassembly instructions
- Adjusting spoke placement to change overall length
- Spoke alignment tips
- End cap options and differences
How to :: pop'n flow full vision LED triads
- Spoke and hub assembly/disassembly instructions
- LED spoke alignment tips
- Differences between triad hub and dragon staff hub
- Accessing the charging port