If you have a flowtoys staff and would like to use your lights to make LED poi or other props, here are your options:
Capsule-based staffs: If you have a staff with 2 or more capsule lights, you can use the capsule lights in many other props. Here are several capsule-based poi rigs WITHOUT lights:
- podpoi conversion kit
- flowmoja w/o lights (contact us if you're interested)
- levitation wands w/o lights
- rope darts, chucks and martial staffs w/o lights
- flower sticks and swinging clubs w/o lights
- flowstaffs and contact staffs w/o lights
Flowlight-based staffs: If you have a staff with 2 or more flowlights, you can use the flowlights to build a pair of crystal poi lite or turn them into other staffs. Here are flowlight-based rigs w/o lights:
- crystal poi lite rigs w/o lights
- rope darts, chucks and martial staffs w/o lights
- flowstaffs and contact staffs w/o lights
Vision-based staffs: At the moment, stick and string-based vision LED ends are not interchangeable. We look forward to being able to offer a more modular solution in the future - so stay tuned for that! For more information on vision prop modularity, check here.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us!