Welcome to your new LED chucks! Before you unleash your inner ninja turtle check out these resources below to get your chucks ready for flow. 

On this page, you'll find instructions on how to size your chuck leashes and charge your lights - along with additional information to maximize your flow experience. 

Which chucks do you have?

We offer a range of different chuck options, and if you're unsure which ones you have check out the photo below. 

The chuck loop design:

The chuck loops are designed to be easily adjustable, while also allowing you to quickly and easily disassemble them. This makes them easy to travel with, and allows you to convert the heads into other props such as poi, dart and meteor by attaching another leash to the chuck loop ;)

Sizing your chucks:

Sizing your chuck leashes to fit your hands is essential for a smooth and balanced flow. The most common approach is to size the linked cord connectors to be just wider than the width of your palm. This helps minimize pinch, and makes those palm roll buttery smooth.

Here are step-by-step instructions on how to size the chucks:

If you have capsule, flowlight and pop'n flow chucks the cord connectors come unattached to the light tubes.


If you have vision chucks, start by disconnecting the cord connectors from the tubes using the hex key provided with your order. 

Once you have the loose cord connectors and loops:

  • Link the two by passing each connector body thru the opposite connector loop, then pull the connectors in opposite directions. Check out the photos below for reference:


  • Lay the linked connectors on a table, and set your palm over it, thumb included.
    Your goal is to get the tips of the ramps connectors to be this palm+thumb distance apart.

If your linked connection is:

  • too small: make new loops with the extra cord you received
  • too big: you can adjust the existing loop by

To adjust the knot:

  • You'll want to adjust both loops the same amount so that the linkage still feels centered.
  • For instance, if you are subtracting 1 whole inch, shift the knot by 0.5 inches on each connector.
    This can take a couple tries to get “exactly right” so take your time and be patient :) 

Protip: Make sure the chuck tube can fit through the looped cord

When you think you've nailed it, double check that at minimum, the loop installed in the connector will fit around your chuck tube when it has the cap off (aka 1 inch diameter loop). This is the smallest you can make your loops before you wont be able to disassemble them any more.

To finish the leash give the loose ends of the knot a quick melt and squish with a lighter to seal the knot

Last step is to attach the cord connectors to your chuck tubes with the included screws and hex-wrench

and it's time to flow!

Charging your lights:

All our chucks are built with flowcaps, and you'll need to remove them to access the lights/charging ports. Click here for information on how the flowcaps work along with tips to prevent issues.

If you have vision or pop'n flow chucks, you'll find the USB charging port right under the flowcap. 

If you have capsule lights, the charging port is on the side of each light. 

If you have flowlights, click here for information on how to install/remove the AAA batteries.

Other use resources to help you get the most out of your v2 capsule/vision lights:

If you have flowlights, check out these resources instead:

  • Page navigation - This covers the various mode/settings pages and how to navigate between them
  • Flowlight-FS mode chart - This illustrates how the different modes look, their adjustment parameters, types of kinetic responses, and average run times.
  • Adjustable settings - This covers the range of adjustable settings and how they work