There is no way to directly transfer favorites, but there are a few ways to replicate them:

1. Start fresh: 

2. Manually copy your existing favorites:
The most recently saved mode goes to the first spot in favorites, so you’ll need to start from the last mode on the existing prop and work backwards.
It is possible to do by eye/memory, but unless your favorites are fairly simple or you know them very well you may want to make a list. 
We like the annotation “P#M#” eg. P1M1=Page1 Mode1. For adjusted modes, you’ll need to use your eye and might need the other prop to compare/match. You can see the full mode list here:

PRO TIP - Make sure each save was successful before continuing - the light will blink when saving. If you don't see a blink, go to p4m1 to check it.

If you missed a mode or need edit favorites in any way see here:

3. Use the app:

**In order to use the app with your lights you'll need a bridge, which we offer here:

You can use the flowtoys mobile app to create a mode playlist that matches the modes saved to your favorites page. Once you've set that up, you'll be able to easily save those specific modes onto any new light you have in the future.
If you are basing your list on existing favorites in a prop, create your list in the app first: for adjusted modes, you’ll need to use your eye to compare/match.

With the app you can save to multiple groups at a time, so set up your groups as desired, connect every group desired to the app using the quick-group feature (
  • To save: at the top of the app click “controls”: “save to prop’s page 4"
The most recently saved mode goes to the first spot in favorites, so you’ll need to start from the last mode and work backwards. 

PRO TIP  Make sure each save was successful before continuing - the light will blink when saving. If you don't see a blink, go to p4m1 to check it.

NOTE: App may not save adjusts correctly. If saving adjusted modes check each one before continuing. You can adjust the saved mode in the prop:

If you have any questions or run into trouble, please contact us for support.